Increasing productivity
Improving the state of the environment
Reducing health and safety risks
Conducting environmental auditing is a responsibility of all enterprises to facilitate better management of your environmental performance. We can also train and work with employees to develop in-house capability in environmental awareness, measurements and reporting to improve compliance, health and safety and minimise the risk of an environmental disaster. By using Ecocific services, you can expect independent expertise for transparency and public credibility, and access to state-of-the-art technology to develop management tools such as standard operating procedures (SOPs), monitoring equipment, reporting systems and many other valuable assets. With experience in New Zealand and Australia, including a wide portfolio of businesses, we are experienced in delivering customised programs to satisfy your specific requirements.
Companies decide to conduct environmental auditing and training for various reasons including:
- Identification of the issues, levels of protection and solution options
- Assess environmental impacts before starting a new activity or project, and before decommissioning a facility or leaving a site
- Measure environmental performance
- Facilitating management control of environmental practices and assessing compliance with company policies, which would include meeting regulatory requirements
- Establish and implement environmental policies, programmes and management systems on a site-specific basis
- Carry out periodic, systematic and objective evaluations of activities through an environmental audit
- Provide information about environmental performance to the board of directors, shareholders, employees and the public
- Understand the pollution at the site and risks (e.g. waste, contaminated land and water, air quality)
- Recording environmental data
- Contribute to the transfer of environmentally sound technology and management methods throughout the industrial and public sectors
- Develop and maintain, where appropriate hazards exist, emergency preparedness plans in conjunction with the emergency services, relevant authorities and the local community, recognising potential cross boundary impacts
- Conduct or support research on the environmental impacts of raw materials, products, processes, emissions and wastes associated with the enterprise and on the means of minimising such adverse impacts
- Develop and provide products and services that have no undue environmental impact and are safe in their intended use, that are efficient in their consumption of energy and natural resources, and that can be recycled, reused or disposed of safely